Thiel CS3.7 vs WP8?

The 2nd hand price of Wilson WP8 is dropping down fast! I am thinking of buying a pair of 3.7 but as the WP8's price is almost within reach, I wonder which is the better choice? I have CJ premier 350 and Herron Pre. Now using Thiel 3.6 with very good results. Wanting the next step up!!

I like the WP, I do not think it is the holy grail, and I do think there are way less expensive speakers that are really great such as the top of the line Ushers.

I have always felt that the Thiels are transparent but lack warmth, and are somewhat dynamically restricted where the WP are not.

The imaging of the WP is more specific and the transparency is better than te Thiels.
So the best bet... The 2nd hand WP8 and forget the Thiels 3.7??!! Anyone disagree??!!
Have you heard both speakers with familiar equipment? It sounds like you liked both but maybe heard them in different systems (I am assuming this is the case). It may be helpful to know what amplification and source(s) you will be using with the speaker and what your listening room is like.
These are two COMPLETELY different speakers. If you have upstream components that you believe are neutral to the source, and want to stay that way...go with the 3.7's. If you dont have that, AND still want to maintain your signature, go with the 3.7's. Now, if you are looking for a slight lean into the not so "resolving" arena, and prefer a more extended lower end, the WP's are the way to go. They have the ability to not so blatently provide you a picture of your upstream shortfalls compared to the 3.7's. Also, scratch the 10,000 dollar paint job on the WP's, and now your in a more realistic ballpark to compare cost vs peformance ratio. For heaven's sake, the finish on Wilson speakers look better than the finish on my Yamaha Grand a long shot.
It all depends on whether phase and time coherence are important to you. Plus how can anyone like a speaker that intentionally reverses the phases of the midrange driver relative to the tweeter and woofer?

There is no way I would ever consider Wilson. Boom tiz is what you get and for more bux than they are worth. Thiel knows how implement accurate designs. WA is expensive paint with cheap drivers.

If you move away from Thiel and go to WA you will regret it. Take it from someone who did and learned the hard way.