Michael Green may be right. It is shifting.
"Higher price to lower price"
It is not that the price is substantially lower, it is that advancements in technology made same quality available at lower price. Of course, there could be a debate if iPhone is really lower price (they seem to go up in price with every generation).
Higher mass to lower mass
Most of the people got used to having it all and having it small, in their pockets, thanks to advancements in technology
"Higher heat to lower heat"
Advancements in technology and nothing else.
"More crossover parts to fewer."
Almost everything electronic has fewer parts these days, when compared to the same functionality in the past. Advancements in technology.
"Fixed sound to variable sound"
Sound modes have been available on receivers etc. for a few decades now. With advancements in technology and science, it is possible to have variable sound on new smaller devices.
"One volume control to more control."
Advancements in technology made it simpler to add controls of whatever kind we desire.
"Harder to drive to easier to drive."
Advancements in technology provide for more diverse combinations.
"Playing less to able to play more."
Advancements in technology allow us to listen to distant radio stations/Internet and explore what was impossible before.
All in all, the paradigm is shifting and majority is moving away from bulky, seemingly built complicated, equipment. However, it is not because they read through the HEA conspiracy and do not want to be fooled anymore. It is because advancements in technology made things possible that could not be achieved in the past and people like convenience.