Choice of Integrated amp

I am moving from a Rotel A12 to one of the following and I would like to know your thoughts on the best upgrade. The price is not an issue, I just want to make the best possible decision. (I have home demoed them all and they all sound great, but I would say Devialet, Moon and then Primare). My system is Sonus Faber Chameleon T speakers, Bluesound Node 2 and a U Turn Orbit Plus with some upgrades.

1. Primare I22 with optional DAC (used <$1500)

2. Moon 240i (new <$2100)

3. Devialet Expert 120 (used <$3500)

Any opinions would be appreciated.

I listen to almost everything except Rap and Country.

My room has some moderate treatment on the walls.

Or would my money best be spent elsewhere?

Since you have listened to them all, and they all sound great, maybe you should choose based which one looks the best in your room? 
It’s a bit more expensive but I would also look into either a used Ayre AX5 or the new Aesthetix Mimas integrated. The Aesthetix would probably sound great with your speakers. I heard them a few a weeks ago and they sounded fantastic, especially if you like a bit of tube sparkle. It’s a hybrid amp so the pre amp section is tube and the amp section is solid state. Rated at 150w @ 8ohms.