Thiel CS3.7 vs WP8?

The 2nd hand price of Wilson WP8 is dropping down fast! I am thinking of buying a pair of 3.7 but as the WP8's price is almost within reach, I wonder which is the better choice? I have CJ premier 350 and Herron Pre. Now using Thiel 3.6 with very good results. Wanting the next step up!!
I think WP8 has a better WAF than CS3.7 in terms of the look.

if it matters to you.
Not my wife she dislikes any floorstander............ She likes the Focals on stands ........... Go figure ........ I don't see much difference ....A monitor on a stand looks like a floorstander to me ...... But the Focals sound great and she is happy so in the end thats all that matters ...
Sorry to side track a bit, but if Magico V2 is still within budget, this number certainly deserves attention along with your other two. Provided that room is not too large (of moderate size), they are amongst the best in my experience.

Wonderful and neutrally balanced tonality (yet with musicality intact), very coherent from top to bottom. With excellent transparency, resolution, composure and good controlled dynamic lows (grip, impact and punch). Last but not least, given all things right, they can truly disappear as sound source.
Interesting that lots of people say Wilsons are not musical speakers and yet some will say Thiels are bright! They must have something in common then. Sometimes I found me Thiels bright when listening too loud but most of the time they sounded really good. Does thses two speakers share anything in common?
Magical is very hot right now but people say they are over priced and colored. I have no change of meeting them yet!