elizabeth wrote:
—-“ So what was the problem? HIM. He could NOT accept HE was having trouble feeling anything in his feet. It HAD to be the car. Even telling him point blank.. Did not matter. ten minutes later it was the car...Sad. Some folks cannot get past the ego. “
Totally agree. Some people’s ego seems so wedded to their subjective infallibility that they have trouble even imagining, let alone admitting, they COULD be wrong.
Those of is who proceed on the well justified assumption we could be wrong, find this very strange. Finding out how we could be wrong, or if we are wrong, is a way of being open to learning. I just find it odd that so many seem closed to this.
—-“ So what was the problem? HIM. He could NOT accept HE was having trouble feeling anything in his feet. It HAD to be the car. Even telling him point blank.. Did not matter. ten minutes later it was the car...Sad. Some folks cannot get past the ego. “
Totally agree. Some people’s ego seems so wedded to their subjective infallibility that they have trouble even imagining, let alone admitting, they COULD be wrong.
Those of is who proceed on the well justified assumption we could be wrong, find this very strange. Finding out how we could be wrong, or if we are wrong, is a way of being open to learning. I just find it odd that so many seem closed to this.