As you wish. I found the secondary commentary of Amir and the general candor of Amir to be respectful. I didn't care for your response as being accusatory, which is entirely unnecessary at that juncture.
I can understand why you may feel not obliged or uncomfortable to engage in open discussion, there are many around that can be challenging and even obtuse at times, but its certainly shouldn't be a cause for complete disengagement since it allows the proverbial troll to succeed when one should not.
I do find their products the be interesting as they subscribe to highly limited use of negative feedback (no feedback in their view), but this is a rather challenging engineering path as many designers would attest. My own Pass stuff is built upon this, but is limited feedback design over none where measured use over excess use.
This obviously impacted the measured results as one might expect. Subjectively, the perceived differences were notably less than one might expect, but isn't surprising considering the excess use of NFB during the distortion wars and its resulting of sterile sound in the past. Still, I have seen controlled use of technique can be beneficial, but each designer has the ability to choose their own topology.
Never the less, a better measured result in conjunction would have been preferable. For the time being, it becomes rather curios.
As you wish. I found the secondary commentary of Amir and the general candor of Amir to be respectful. I didn't care for your response as being accusatory, which is entirely unnecessary at that juncture.
I can understand why you may feel not obliged or uncomfortable to engage in open discussion, there are many around that can be challenging and even obtuse at times, but its certainly shouldn't be a cause for complete disengagement since it allows the proverbial troll to succeed when one should not.
I do find their products the be interesting as they subscribe to highly limited use of negative feedback (no feedback in their view), but this is a rather challenging engineering path as many designers would attest. My own Pass stuff is built upon this, but is limited feedback design over none where measured use over excess use.
This obviously impacted the measured results as one might expect. Subjectively, the perceived differences were notably less than one might expect, but isn't surprising considering the excess use of NFB during the distortion wars and its resulting of sterile sound in the past. Still, I have seen controlled use of technique can be beneficial, but each designer has the ability to choose their own topology.
Never the less, a better measured result in conjunction would have been preferable. For the time being, it becomes rather curios.