Vandersteen 3a vs Magnepan 3.7i

Hi I'm wondering if anyone has compared these speakers. I currently have the Maggie's but find vocal glaring or haze on many recordings even with the resistors. My listening room is 12x15. Most of my listening is rock with some jazz and classical thrown in.
(((Thanks tomic601 have changed to 38" for tweeter outside and 32" on inside keeping the 13" from side wall seems to be a much better focus.))

Try a small string or thread wrapping around fronts corners both speakers outsides.
 pull string snug forming a straight line.
Next measure the string line at the same speaker's inner front side.
then confirm same on other speaker.
 Allows exact toe in matching with easily repeatable measurements.
 Best JohnnyR
Thanks Johnny R

adding some high visibility fly line backing ( free ) to my speaker setup bag !!!

But in general most detail freak audiophile setups I see suffer from excessive toe in.....
Hi johnto,

I would second exploring amps or room set up.

My limited experience is that there should not be glare from Maggies. I have had 1.2's, 1.7's, 3.6's, and have listened to the 3.7's.

My experience is that a good amp is critical and not just a lot of watts.

Thanks for listening,

A dealer displayed 3.7s powered by large tube amps facing each other with a tweeter attached on the top of both frames facing the listening position but not toed in. Other than a full Sanders Sound system it was the only other time I've enjoyed panels.

But thats me.