Duelund internal speaker wire?

Curious, has anyone replaced speaker internal wire with Duelund?
Apologies if this subject has already been covered.
I have had many recommendations I replace the internal wire in my vintage speakers with Duelund, but have not at this point.  I have used Dueland as speaker wire and thought it was very good. So depending on the speaker, I think it could be a good move. 
I’m using Audio BBQ Duelund ICs purchased here on Audiogon which I like very much (16ga?). Now considering speaker cables (12ga?) which made me wonder about the possibility of Duelund internal speaker wire.
I rewired my Lowther speakers with Dueland wire a couple (maybe 3) years ago and it was a nice improvement in SQ. 
..just as an aside....I spoke to Richard Vandersteen about this very thing.  He said that they extensively use many different wire to make their speakers sound the best...sometimes wire with non"audiophile" credentials are better for a specific application. As an example....their speaker connections are small and non"audiophile", but have been proven to sound the best.....just sayin'