Any one try the new Synergistic Research BLUE UEF Duplex receptacle?

Looking for comparsons to other high quality outlets.
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It must be as I just finished ordering an additional 5  Blue Outlets to take advantage of the special offer. They will be utilized in two stereo systems and one headphone system. I am happy for you that your Furutech outlets plus Pangea power cord upgrades are working well in your system. I utilized your  positive reports about Pangea to upgrade my Sony 4K Television power cord from stock. It is a significant improvement over the stock cord.

David Pritchard
Thanks David!  I ordered the blue outlet, but I didn't see anything about a free fuse?   I ordered from highend-electronics.
You can get a free fuse for any SR Blue Outlets ordered in December.
E-mail or call highend-electronics, Apple Valley California and simply tell them the fuse size: small or large, slow or fast blow, and amperage rating needed.

Alfred and Betty Kainz at highend_electronics are very good to work with.

David Pritchard
Installed 3 Synergistic Research Blue outlets today. What is interesting to me is how fast the sound improves when these Blue outlets are installed. Immediately there was a perceived increase in dynamics. Over the next hour, the soundstage widened and then became deeper.

Unlike many other audiophile grade outlets, the SR Blue outlets do not have a prolonged break-in process to go thru. 

Tomorrow I will be installing Blue outlets in Mother's system. It will be fun to see how the single driver Terasonic speakers + Pass Lab amp responds.

David Pritchard