It must be as I just finished ordering an additional 5 Blue Outlets to take advantage of the special offer. They will be utilized in two stereo systems and one headphone system. I am happy for you that your Furutech outlets plus Pangea power cord upgrades are working well in your system. I utilized your positive reports about Pangea to upgrade my Sony 4K Television power cord from stock. It is a significant improvement over the stock cord.
David Pritchard
It must be as I just finished ordering an additional 5 Blue Outlets to take advantage of the special offer. They will be utilized in two stereo systems and one headphone system. I am happy for you that your Furutech outlets plus Pangea power cord upgrades are working well in your system. I utilized your positive reports about Pangea to upgrade my Sony 4K Television power cord from stock. It is a significant improvement over the stock cord.
David Pritchard