Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
So, here’s a question. I had to change the batteries in my Walkman cassette player and in order to do that I had to take off the Omega E Mat temporarily. Does that mean I destroyed the field the mat establishes on the player or whatever? It seems much better this morning, lots of air, and, yes, I remembered to use the Graphene contact enhancer on the battery terminals.
@tuffy72561 Timmy has just the thing in mind for you. I can’t really spill the beans..... but it’s coming first part of 2019. <3 What are you, a mind reader? LOL. <3 If you own a voltage regulator or a power conditioner, you’ll love this release. . . .to be continued.
<3  <3

@geoffkait Timmy and I both agree.... you have a short amount of time (an hour give or take) to work in. <3 You should LOVE the contact enhancer on the terminals. <3 <3 You will hear significant improvement. <3 He’s been patiently waiting for you to try this for a year, you know. <3 LOL <3

<3 XOXO Krissy

 That is the same response I have if I take the top off my SACD player that has two Mats on it. There is a marked change when the top is replaced and by the next day the player is again sounding good. After several days the sound takes on even more relaxed feel to it. 

Nice touch to treat the battery terminals. Total Contact also works well on car battery terminals.

David Pritchard
Oh, geez. You mean I didn’t mention I’ve been using the stuff on batteries for a year? Ooops! My bad.

Thank you so much. That sounds just great. I do currently have a Core Power Technologies Equi=Core 1200 balanced power conditioner in my system. Please keep me posted. I can't wait to listen to my system again when my head is unclogged from this cold. I should have another 7 days or so curing of the Total Contact in my system.