New $24,000 inter-connect

I just saw a new Audiogon listing for a $24,000 inter-connect by Matthew Bond (Tara Labs). How many ya gonna order?
Yes, this model is specially "handed", and designed uniquely to work optimally in the channel for which it is designated.
Well, keep in mind what a billionaire told me - never try to outbid a billionaire in an auction.   It was at a charity auction.  I kept bidding and kept losing every bid.   After the auction, he came over and thanked me.  I said, "For what, I didn't win a thing!"  He told me I drove up the prices and soon hot bidding started, which was very soon way, way out of my price range.   As a result, the charity got a lot more money than if I had kept my mouth shut.  The fact is, they have more disposable income in one year than any normal person grosses in a decade or three.  

So, take your gross salary, divide it into a billion, then take your disposable income and multiply it by the quotient.  See?  $24,000 is chump change.
While it’s true that to some, $24,000. is chump change, it’s also true that (by many, many times) there are more, right here in the US. who make less than that for a year of working wages.
Regardless - $24,000 has no equation to the true science, value or performance of a 1M pair of IC cables. Put lipstick on a pig - it’s still just a pig with lipstick, no mater how high the bid goes.....Jim