Well... guess I have to jump in the rabbit hole of speaker cables... lol

I just bought a pair of 10 T’s and am having a raspy edge on the high end. I contacted Mr. Kelly at Aeriel Acoustics and I sent the tweets to them for an evaluation...  tweets are in good shape! I have replaced everything in the system except the spk cables... I bought BJ cables the 10 ga. Belden etc. I have a dear friend in the high end audio business and is sending me a higher end pair of cables. Not sure what they are going to be but he is excited for me to try them....

Are the Belden really that bad? Can they be the cause of the raspy bad guys?

I am really looking forward to this... not so much for my wallet... she is scared. 

Looking forward to the great experience here on the GON...
FWIW, I agree with Stevechamp. Cables are not your problem, and certainly the Belden 10 ga is not a problem which another cable is likely to solve. If anything I suspect that other cables will exacerbate the problem. I have been using the Belden for some years now in preference to several other high end cables, they are not 'bright'. Be careful in matching an amp to your speakers that you do not get an amp which might just aggrevate your perception of brightness. 

If I were you, I would insure that I had maximized all set up possibilities before I concluded that your problem cannot be solved without getting different stuff. Been there. If I had taken my own advise I'd have saved a ton of dough going thru the component merry-go-round.
Post removed 

It’s not your Belden cables.   They are “industry standard” cables long used in the pro realm for many of your favorite recordings.  They would not be used if they had some weird defect like “raspy highs” and all the recordings using those cables would have “raspy highs.”  But the don’t.
You can look up measurements for those exact cables (e.g. on audiohilics) and see they measure superbly.

FWIW I use the Belden 10awg speaker cables (from BJ Cables) and my system certainly doesn’t have raspy highs.  I’d hate that.

Beware of “friends” bearing expensive cables.  ;-)

Look elsewhere in your system including room acoustics, speaker positioning.  Remember that different speakers interact in different ways with a room/listener position.


Where are your speakers pointing?  Try orienting them straight ahead, so when you're in the sweet spot you're somewhat off access.

Is there a lot of glass in your room?

There are a lot of variables here.  Best case you can ameliorate for free, less-than-best some inexpensive room treatment (GIK).

Does this happen on all music? The other night, I was playing A "Living Stereo" SACD and there was so much junk coming out I thought "damn, I must have blown a tweeter". Not the case. The "junk" was in the recording!

>>>>Geez, where’s Dolby when you need it? 😳