Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)

I am on a long search for speakers and just curious what people think is the best value both new or used in speakers ranging from around $5000 to $15000? I have a set of Paradigm S8's (V1) and love them but looking for another set for another set in a different listening area (25 x 20?, maybe larger).  I love the full sound of JBL's and looking for something in that range (it also helps that JBL's seem to hold their value better than most, which will be a consideration). The only drawback to JBL is footprint.  I prefer a smaller footprint which is why after reading I hope to listen to several B&W 800 series but open to suggestions across the board.  used Watt Puppies? Revels?  I am curious about peoples experience with McIntosh XR100's. 
Audio is all about those products which own all the different aspects/properties of sound. To create a stunning endresult you need loudspeakers which can reveal all the aspects/properties of sound. This has nothing to do with personal taste. We are talking about facts.

Most of our clients said; when we would not have heard the Monitor Audio Platinum by Tru-Fi we would never have bought them. So it proofs that it is a different level and quality when you use all the talents/properties they own.

Many of my clients visited shows and other shops during Monitor Audio presentations. And they are always amazed how poor the quality is of these demoes. In over 99% of all these demoes are done in a 2D stage. The thing is that people focus on brands and products all the time. You only know Monitor Audio by trail and error shops. Because they all work by trial and error.

This is your world and also your truth. We have proven that Tru-Fi is a totally different world compared to the trail and error world. I would never buy a Monitor Audio from a trial and error shop. The endresults would be 100% unacceptable.

We can create a superior level out of each individual product by Tru-Fi compared to any manufacturer, distributer or shop can create by trial and error. We will proof that the Tru-Fi world is so much more effective than the limited trail and error world.

And that this creates a totally different truth. In 2017 LG visited my home. I showed them what we could create with their Oled screens. The person from LG was amazed about the picture he saw. He said; I have never seen this level before. Not even in Korea at LG.

We also do vision by Tru-Fi. So we create vision based on the properties vision is based on. We use the best and most expensive Calman software and tools. But we now even modify Oled screens. And we did a lot of reseach regarding the influence of smog, magnetism and highfrequent noise on vision. Here we also use many different tools (accessories) to limit these influences.

This way we create an unmatched level in vision as well. We create sound and vision. This creates different levels in quality and result compared to buy audio products by trial and error. Most people have still no idea how limited the level in result is what they get by trail and error.

The Tru-Fi world is superior in endresult in stereo, surround and in vision. You can use it for each brand. Tru-Fi has nothing to do with brands and products. Because the focus is only based on the properties each product owns. It is a totally different approach how we create sound.

The facts proof that it is in result superior than what trail and error ever can create for you. That is why I wrote that people need to understand that trail and error is the reason why they limit themselves so much. Trial and error is very ineffective based on the 100% fact that it lacks any kind of real foundation. All manufacturers and distributers I spoke agreed with this.

We can proof it by sound and vision over and over again. The sound you hear will always tell you the truth. Each single human being wants that sound what has the biggest influence on their emotion. And for vision counts the same.

I made huge steps in result when I started in 2017 to adapt sound&vision based on how our emotion gets triggered by it. I can adapt each single property of sound of an audiosystem. We can change modifications, our Statement Audio Pro-measurement and they way we use amps, cables, sources and loudspeakers.

I learned to extract each individual product on their aspects/properties of sound. This makes me able to create and control each audiosystem. That is why we add those missing aspects/properties of sound to systems of new clients who do not own all the aspects/properties of sound.

Tru-Fi proofs by sound and most of all by emotion why it is so much more addictive and intense to listen at compared to any incomplete trial and error created system
Wilson Sabrina, as I mentioned before.

Harbeth SHL5Plus. Very good, but not as good as the Sabrina. Kind of makes sense since the Sabrina is 2X.
I went to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in October.  Listened to every speaker demo and I thought the Salk Song3 Encore’s with a price of $6,000 to be by the best in that price range.  They are incredible and sounded better than a pair of $60,000 speakers I listened to.  Jim Salk uses the best tweeters, mid and bass drivers you can buy.  He can afford to do so because he sells direct and does not have to compromise his quality in order to sell his speakers to retailers at a discounted price.