Verity Audio midrange drivers?

In my search for new speakers, I auditioned the Verity Audio Finn at a local dealer. They were very musically absorbing, and may have nudged ahead of the B&W 803d on my short-list.

Going up the Verity Audio food chain are the Rienzi and then the Leonore, which I cannot audition locally.

My question is how do the quality of the midrange drivers compare between the Finn, Rienzi, and Leonore? Which of these speakers use the best midrange driver(s)?

Or put another way, if the midrange is important to you, which of these speakers stand out?


I agree with Buff. Skaaning are in another league compared to the others. 2 inch voice coils and large magnets with decent Xmax - they should sound very clean with low distortion compared to almost everything else on the market.
Thank-you for the insights regarding Skaaning.

The Rienzi is probably as high as I can go pricewise, but at least the drivers are all Scandinavian made.

The Leonore looks like a great speaker, but should I not be a little concerened about the Scandinavian designed tweeter made in Indonesia?


I really wouldn't get too caught up in drives. I've heard some of the best drives made sound like crap in speakers. Verity makes the best crossovers in the world IMO to me that's more important then drivers. Plus they change the drives when they get them. I would be much more worried about cabinet and crossovers then drivers.

BTW I own the Sarastro's.
I would agree with Mtdking, let Verity do the job of integrating units, and pick your type speaker which will fit your budget and room size.
btw I read about superb match with the new ARC integrated at recent show.
Verity equals long term satisfaction, I suggest put your efforts in a great matching amplifier and do some room acoustics and enlist the Verity club.
keep em spinning.
Thanks for your advice.

Though I have been able to audition the Finn, it is not possible to audition either the Rienzi or the Leonore in my city.

The Rienzi best fits my budget, but I will have to buy them sight unseen...

Given that I would like to support Canadian audio manufacturers, I am considering Simaudio Moon Evolution Series electronics (i-7 or 700i integrated, or P-7 + W-7, SuperNova or 750D CD players). They should work well with Verity Audio speakers.

It is possible to assemble The Great Canadian Audio System!

