Help with Preamp Selection and Network player

Looking for tube preamp. I have the opportunity to purchase three different preamps around the same price.
-Primaluna Dialogue Premium
-Cary SLP-89l w/upgrades
-Luxman CL-38uc
Looking for opinions on sound comparisons and flexibility. Will be used in front of Parasound A21 feeding ATC SCM19's.
Also, narrowed down my choices for streamer/dac down to Cary DMS-600 and Naim NDX-2. 
These two units offer the ability to use my existing CD transport, HDD loaded w/music, Roon ready, and future NAS.
Any insight would be appreciated.
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oddiofyl "Boycott Audio Doctor.... flagrant abuse of Audiogon policy"

Alleged abuses of Audiogon policy should be brought to the attention of the group's moderators who in their sole, solitary, and final judgement shall assess, decide, and determine whether such allegations have truth, merit, or validity and will then establish the appropriate official response based upon they're investigation, review, and inquiry and it is improper, inappropriate, and unwarranted for individual users, posters, or members of the group to call for action outside of a formal inquiry and in this instance the accusation, charge, and complaint against Audio Doctor is in my opinion unwarranted, without basis and unjust. 

This has been brought to their attention by many posters yet nothing is done...
oddiofyl"He is undermining legitimate posts by plugging his retail establishment..."

Alleged abuses of Audiogon policy should be brought to the attention of the group's moderators who in their sole, solitary, and final judgement shall assess, decide, and determine whether such allegations have truth, merit, or validity and will then establish the appropriate official response based upon they're investigation, review, and inquiry and it is improper, inappropriate, and unwarranted for individual users, posters, or members of the group to call for action outside of a formal inquiry and in this instance the accusation, charge, and complaint against Audio Doctor is in my opinion unwarranted, without basis and unjust.