Kuzma/Koetsu feedbak??

I am seriously considering the purchase of a new TT rig.  It consists of a Kuzma Stabi XL DC turntable, a matching Kuzma 4 Point 14" tonearm, and a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge.  It will be played through a Naim 500 series amp and preamp and phono stage.  The speakers are a pair of brand new Grandinote Mach 36's.  I would appreciate any and all feedback from those familiar with this equipment.
Thanks for taking the time,

I own Kuzma Stabi Reference for some time but deed not thought

much about suitable tonearms back then. Because I also owned

Triplanar VII I thought that this Kuzma can ''bear'' 10'' tonearms.

To my big surprise this was not the case. Only 9'' tonearms can

be used on this Kuzma. The Triplanar's pivot is next to the

VTA adjuster such that this construction allows 10'' kind.

When I wanted to install my FR-64 S instead this was not possible.

I also own Basis Exclusive phono-pre with two separate pres

so I wanted an second arm with an armpod and ordered both

by Vidmantas , the owner/designer by the Reed. At present I

use Reed 3P (12'') on the left back side and Sumiko 800 (aka

''the arm'') on its ''legitimate'' place. I own many MC carts and

owned also Rosewood  Signature but was not impressed by

this cart. Well with Urushi Sky Blue which (Urushi) are called

''painted Rosewood''. I don't believe that those have the same

generator. My (provisional) best cart is Allearts MC 2 which

I would advise if the means are available. Unbelievable

technical specs.

Comparing turntables in different systems..
Table is a 'pace maker', the beginning, it sets things in motion, gives the drive and propulsion. Any decent cartridge would do, you should still be able to hear and feel what the table does even if the rest of the chain is not much to write home about. Just ask dealers to keep it quiet with their great ideas and incredible knowledge. This is a very serious buy, and I don't mean the cost. If the table is not satisfactory the entire system is not satisfactory. Kuzma is popular among those in the know but it must sound great to you.
Albert Porter is one of very few people whom I listen to when it comes to audio, turntables or not. He uses highly customized Technics direct drive, before that he used top Walker, and before that I think SME. 
Orenstein, sorry if I muddied the water by mentioning the Doehmann and the Kronos.  I am completely out of touch with the prices for the Kuzma models that you are considering, but I suspect that both of those alternative turntables are way more expensive than the Kuzma Reference, or at least a few thousand dollars more expensive. I do know that retail price of the Doehmann is $25,000. And that is without a tonearm. They do also make a less expensive model, but I am not sure that includes the minus K isolation platform built in. That platform is what makes the Doehmann stand out in my mind.

I also somewhat regret my remark about the Naim electronics that you are using. Really I have no solid basis for criticizing that gear;, I am just biased against it from having heard the stuff years ago. And I admit that I am biased in favor of tubes or hybrid circuits when possible.
With a VTA micrometer built into the tower would a 4 point 9 have greater rigidity than the 14 and work better in the context of an XL and a Naim 500 system. (I have the latter but not the former.)

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