Verity Audio midrange drivers?

In my search for new speakers, I auditioned the Verity Audio Finn at a local dealer. They were very musically absorbing, and may have nudged ahead of the B&W 803d on my short-list.

Going up the Verity Audio food chain are the Rienzi and then the Leonore, which I cannot audition locally.

My question is how do the quality of the midrange drivers compare between the Finn, Rienzi, and Leonore? Which of these speakers use the best midrange driver(s)?

Or put another way, if the midrange is important to you, which of these speakers stand out?


I had a chance to audition the Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation yesterday, driven by a 20 wpc pure class A Luxman integrated amp. OMG!!!!

Not only are they not difficult to drive, they are incredibly musical and wonderful sounding speakers that connect you to the music and transport you to a better place...

Now I have to move a mountain... "Honey, you remember the 10K we needed for speakers, well actually we need 20K." Sigh...



Mark, Something is not jiving here. I tried an Art Audio Jota on my Encores, and it was not even close to being enough power. It didn't drive them, not even a matter of opinion. Either the amp you heard was the ballsiest 20 watts ever, or perhaps you were hearing the Leonore. This is all IMHO, but honestly the Parsifal needs at least 65 watts to shine. All that said, I agree that the Parsifal is a great speaker.
They were most definitely the Parsifal Ovations, and the amp was 20 wpc pure class A (I was told that would be equivalent to about 150 wpc in a class AB amp).
I have the original Parsifals driven by a Graaf GM50 integrated tube amp (50w, push-pull design). It's extremely musical combination with a quiet background. Yes, a 50w all tube amp can drive the Parsifals to loud (and clean) levels, although the Ovation I hear is a little more demanding of power. Anyway, I could not be happier, especially for vocals.

I would love to try an OTL amp like Tenor Audio (budget permitting).
Guys obviously it depends on the size of the room, Musical Tastes and how loud we like to listen.

But Toronto416 is spot on when saying that Verities are "incredibly musical and wonderful sounding speakers that connect you to the music and transport you to a better place".

This is exactly what Verity is about.

It is almost 1.5 year that I own the Sarastro and everyday I discover new things about them. Everytime its like listening to them for the very first time....:)

You cant go wrong with Verity!