How important is it for you to attain a holographic image?

I’m wondering how many A’goners consider a holographic image a must for them to enjoy their systems?  Also, how many achieve this effect on a majority of recordings?
Is good soundstaging enough, or must a three dimensional image be attained in all cases.  Indeed, is it possible to always achieve it?

I experience holographic sound from many mono recordings.  One does not require stereo, 2 channel sound to achieve 3D sound.   My best mono recordings have great depth and open soundstage, including wall to wall sounds as the recording permits.  What they lack is specificity of instruments depending on the recording that stereo provides is inconsequential.  I'm sure you'll claim that mono has only 2D sound.  

Fleschler, just for you, I searched until I found a "Mono" of some of my favorite music; "The Clifford Brown Quintet" featuring Max Roach, Harold Land, Richie Powell, and George Morrow on bass; with Clifford Brown on trumpet of course.

This music was recorded at Capital Studios, Los Angeles, 1954; Although it's in "Mono" the recording quality is fantastic, but it's in "Mono"; that means one big fat center channel spread across my rear wall.

I'm glad your rig is producing holographic sound with a Mono record, mine isn't.

Yes rvpiano, they are; "Special mastering has been used to produce the best monaural quality from available tape with the feeling that the understanding and enjoyment of the music takes precedence over technology".

Although this is in "Mono", there is an incredible presence and realism to the music; the musicians are in your listening room, one at a time when they solo.
Ha! Nice to know that there are some other Clifford Brown fans posting here. Even though he was killed in a car accident in 1956, at the young age of 25, Clifford has influenced many other players, including modern ones. We are fortunate that he left us with many of his performances on recordings. Every time I play one of my Clifford Brown albums, the same thought occurs to me ... " Wynton Marsalis eat your heart out." :-)

Here’s a beautiful Clifford Brown album and a must have:

The second cut, "Autumn in New York" takes up a whole side of the album. It is a beautiful ballad that really shows the soulfulness of Clifford Brown. I have it both on vinyl and CD. Both are excellent. And yes, its mono, but you won’t care. That trumpet is suspended right between the speakers in all of its joyful splendor. The other cut is hard-bop and shows Clifford’s blazing technique.

Also, another great mono record is Dave Brubeck’s "Jazz Impressions of The USA." Here’s a promo LP:

Yes, again it is mono ... but Desmond’s alto sax just floats on air with excellent presence and tonal quality. I have a promo vinyl copy only, so I can’t vouch for the CD if it even exists. There’s a drum solo on side two by Joe Morello that is demo quality. Like ... dare I say it? .... In the room! :-)
