Verity Audio midrange drivers?

In my search for new speakers, I auditioned the Verity Audio Finn at a local dealer. They were very musically absorbing, and may have nudged ahead of the B&W 803d on my short-list.

Going up the Verity Audio food chain are the Rienzi and then the Leonore, which I cannot audition locally.

My question is how do the quality of the midrange drivers compare between the Finn, Rienzi, and Leonore? Which of these speakers use the best midrange driver(s)?

Or put another way, if the midrange is important to you, which of these speakers stand out?


Thanks, and yes - see my post above dated 07-18-10.

John at MKOM is a joy to deal with - highly recommended.
I've listened to the Finn, Rienzi and Parsifal Encore all on the same modest system. The Parsifal Encore is clearly the best of the 3, but the Rienzi is very very good and not too far off IMHO. The Finn, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have the same "house sound" as the other 2 - it's a bit thin & bright with the same solid state equipment (Ayre AX7e integrated) that makes the Parsifal and Rienzi sing. IMHO, the Rienzi is the first Verity that "gets it", at least in the system I listened to.