Revel Studio 1, B&W 802N or Sonus Faber Cremonas

Where to start with this question. I am pretty much starting over with my system and I would like to get some opinions. I currently do not own anything but I have owned alot over the last 10 years. I have owned speakers from Revel, B&W and Sonus Faber (to name a few) but not the above mentioned. I enjoy a musical sound with excellent imaging and transparency. I am thinking about going with a Primare stack (Pre30, A32 amp and CD31) or a Parasound stack (JC2 pre, A21 amp) and the Ayre CX-7e cd player. Or the Mcintosh MA7000 integrated with the Ayre Cx-7e cd player. Cables are unknown at this time. I would just like to get opinions on which speakers with which electronics. I would be happy with any of the speakers but I am unsure on the electronics. Your comments are very much appreciated!!
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrandonosman23
I think your post makes perfect sense.

Your room size is going to play a big factor in how much power you will need. If you have a very big room then I would go with the amp that puts out the most power. I would assume you have a decent sized room or you wouldn't be looking at such big speakers.

It's pretty hard to beat the bang for the buck factor of an integrated. My opinion is that you can get an integrated that sounds as good or better than a preamp at the same price and you still have to buy an amp and a set of cables and a power cord and another shelf space etc...

Given the kind of money that your shopping list is I would strongly recommend that you make a phone call to Frank Van Alstine to get yourself started. No BS when you call, and the sound/dollars ratio with his stuff is remarkable.
Thank you all for your input. I am definitly leaning towards the Revel studios as my speaker.
My room is big enough to support any of the speakers listed. Now as far as the cables go I was leaning towards upper end tara labs, transparent or audioquest. What do you think would be the best match for the Revel/Mcintosh combo?