The Future of Audio Amplification

I have recently paired an Audio Research DS225 Class D amplifier with an Audio Research tube preamplifier (SP8 mkii). I cannot believe how wonderful and lifelike my music sounds. The DS225 replaced an Audio Research SD135 Class AB amplifier. Perhaps the SD135 is just not as good as some of the better quality amps that are out there, but it got me thinking that amazingly wonderful sonance can be achieved with a tubed pre and Class D amp. I have a hunch that as more people experience this combination, it will likely catch on and become the future path of many, if not most audiophile systems. It is interesting that Audio Research has been at the forefront of this development.
Ricevs, your only protecting your new Class-D baby your soon to unleash on the public, built around the Icepower Class-D modules, it’s as clear as the nose on your face. here’s a free plug, but I think it’ll end up a furphy.
ric I did not find the Audio C link you referred to. Maybe Im looking in the wrong place. I am new to the circle and cannot use the search feature

Reply 97 says Title of the thread: Amplifiers with IcePower 1200AS2, class D module.

Hello Recevs, how dare you believing in your own class D creations ;) You should instead prostrate yourself and squirm in shhame, while grovelling and begging undeserved forgiveness from the righteous paperholic and Martin colloms-fearing audio morality police, which keeps us in nirvanic purity, whilst protecting us all from straying into the the anathema of visual osciloscopic abominations lurking inside non-Colloms-blessed classes of amplifier operations.

Happy New Year everyone!


PS. Including to you friend George!

Hello guidocorona...Any time frame on the Rowland M535’s review release? I’m very much interested on what you have to say about them. Wondering how they may compete with Merrill’s Veritas monos. Thanks...

Hello aolmrd1241, I now have most of the pieces of the eval post.... Need to stitch them together, remove burrs, integrate a few more bits of technical information, and audible observations, and then I will post to Audiogon.

