How important is it for you to attain a holographic image?

I’m wondering how many A’goners consider a holographic image a must for them to enjoy their systems?  Also, how many achieve this effect on a majority of recordings?
Is good soundstaging enough, or must a three dimensional image be attained in all cases.  Indeed, is it possible to always achieve it?


Maplegrove, without a doubt, panel speakers are the best for holography; that's because they're "dipole". While this is true, they lack a certain "solidity"; I have the best of both worlds, mine are custom speakers that combine a heil airmotion transformer, which is dipole, with a 6 inch and a 12 inch driver.

A crossover engineer was required to get this to work. I don't recommend it, nor would I ever do it again, because it has taken years of fine tuning to get it just right for my ears, but that's the price for a trip to paradise. (if I had to replace them, it would be with panel speakers)

Do you remember the "Amazing Carver" speakers? I liked them too.

Happy listening, and Happy New Year.

Oregon, I was a teenager staying with my older cousin, who was a jazz collector, in Chicago when Clifford Brown was killed in a car accident.

Clifford Brown and Max Roach Quintet was my favorite album, and "Delilah" was my favorite cut. It was after I had gotten attached to Clifford's music that he was killed; this was heart breaking.

Newbee, you are right, there are not so many and I listen to music the same as someone with a one box player; I listen for music, not holography.

You asked if I ran across a recording that displayed holography, to clue you in. Here's a record that displays it, and it's just a record that I bought before CD.

Weather Report, "Black Market" was recorded in 1975, and it was released by Columbia Records. It's fusion; hope you can find and enjoy it.
@rvpiano .
Thanks for reminding me about Clifford Brown. I got him playing right now...
orpheus10 & gdnrbob ...

I remember when Clifford was killed too. My older cousin, who introduced me to jazz, broke the news to me. He was actually crying.

I remember back in the early 70s as I was looking through the used records at Aaron’s Records in West Hollywood, across from Fairfax high school, as a man standing next to me was looking through the Clifford Brown section. I asked him if he knew Clifford’s music. He said ... "Oh sure, I play classical trombone with the Los Angeles Phil. All of us brass players know about Clifford - he was the best."

And indeed he was. :-)
