The use of GaN semiconductors in class D amps, currently have not been established as providing definitively superior sound quality to the technology and semiconductors employed in the better class D amps available on the market today (typically Field Effect Transistors referred to as FETs).The GaN btw is a developed by the same guys that gave us the Power-Fet all those years ago, they sold the rights to it to the world.
Once the GaN of their’s becomes affordable (with mass production), so that Putzy can get them, I guarantee you he will use use them.
If your spend your money now on the present technology you may have an unsellable amp when the GaN technology takes off.
I definitely don’t think there’s a need to wait for GaN semiconductor technology to ’trickle down’. As I believe you’ve already discovered, good class D performs exceptionally well.But it still does not compete with the best linear amps.
Hypex NCore Bruno Putzeys, have publicly stated there’s no need for increasing the switching frequencies above current levels.Of course he does because he can't go any higher "yet", and there’s never any mention from him or you (not that that matters) of the output filter (that is the real problem) that has to rid the switching frequency from the audio band and the effects it has on the sound, right down to 3-5khz.
I am waiting for Ralph Karsten to finish his Class D amp. If anyone can build a great amp, it’s him.He makes great tube OTL’s for a small sector that use speakers they are suited to.
The Class-D is just going to be a money spinner for him, he buys the modules does a small mod so it can be said to be better, throws in in a box, and there’s his beer money.