@boxer12: In 1982,I asked a British exchange student what was the next UK band that I should be on the lookout for. He recommended THE THE. I laughed and said that I liked them already, just based on their name.
The following year Soul Mining came out. I'd rate that as one of their best albums, along with Mind Bomb and Dusk. All of their albums typically have some great songs that will also test out the limits of your audio system. I'll check out Naked Self again. I recall it being a little bit stark and low key; so, I maybe it needs another listen to truly appreciate it.
The following year Soul Mining came out. I'd rate that as one of their best albums, along with Mind Bomb and Dusk. All of their albums typically have some great songs that will also test out the limits of your audio system. I'll check out Naked Self again. I recall it being a little bit stark and low key; so, I maybe it needs another listen to truly appreciate it.