No, all modern B&W gear have an intentional dip somewhere between 2kHz-5kHz, even the 800 D3 models, but less severe than say the 600 models.
Maple refer to this as the BBC dip, as the LS3/5A has it, but that had it as it’s off-aids wasn’t optimal, spreading the myth that neutral on-axis in that region isn’t ideal, it is, but the off-axis needs to be ideal as well. B&W speakers usually have great off-axis relative to the on-axis (which is what imaging is), so that makes up for it.
No, all modern B&W gear have an intentional dip somewhere between 2kHz-5kHz, even the 800 D3 models, but less severe than say the 600 models.
Maple refer to this as the BBC dip, as the LS3/5A has it, but that had it as it’s off-aids wasn’t optimal, spreading the myth that neutral on-axis in that region isn’t ideal, it is, but the off-axis needs to be ideal as well. B&W speakers usually have great off-axis relative to the on-axis (which is what imaging is), so that makes up for it.