Small speakers...big sound??


I'm looking for some suggestions please!! I'm running some vintage Goodmans Triaxioms which I really love...the sound is big, full, definitely not the last word in detail but I can sit and listen to them all day with zero ear fatigue :)

Now question...can I get the same sound from a bookshelf?? I do not like anything bright sounding but I want a full sound that can fill my room.

Unfortunately I might have to part with these beauties. Locally I can audition nothing so all I am going on is internet reviews. Here are some that "may" fit the bill:

Era D4 or D5
Usher 520
Von Schweickert VR1
Gersman X-1
Mordaunt Short Carnival 2
Epos ELS3

What am I missing and can anyone make suggeestions that would work for me??

Thanks kindly!!!
One of the 'problems' you may encounter with bookshelf speakers is that even if the mids and highs were perfect the reduced bass would serve to emphasize the mids and highs making them seem bright or at least thin thru the mids. Many folks wanting fully fleshed out response incorporate a sub woofer OR find a small speaker with a 'bump' in the mid/upper bass frequencies. (Rogers LS3/5A did this quite nicely - at medium volumes, in a small room, it was hard to beat!).

I can't comment on the speakers you list. I've not heard them.
Question: Why MUST you part with speakers that you love?
If it is just to upgrade because you have the "itch", perhaps you should wait until you are no longer in love with them, and really want to upgrade for legitimate reasons. Just a thought.

As far as a recommendation for some really nice bookshelf speakers, the Revel M20's are really nice. They are now out of production, so the price has dropped considerably, (down to around $1,000 or less). The only complication is that they need a fair amount of power, so small SET type of amps won't work too well. The upside of needing that much power is that they go fairly deep, and you'll not miss too much in the way of bass response. (I believe these were even on Stereophile's limited response "A" list for awhile.)
Here is a link to their review:

Stereophile's M20 review

And, if you buy them and don't like them, buying used means that you can resell them for little to now loss, except for shipping costs.

Good Luck in your search.
of the speakers on your list, the vr1s are the real mofo--big sounding with excellent low end extension (i haven't heard the gersman). i'd also look at proac response and paradigm signature s1 or s2--very full; big soundstage.
I am partial to ATC and Dynaudio, they tend to sound good at any level and have "balls", never constipated as long as your amp is up to it...


You have a good list of speakers to check out.

Also, consider Dali Helicon 300. Oversized carcase with big sound, ribbon-tweeter combo giving that extra depth with micro dynamics.