Have you had enough of Classic Rock?

Anyone out there feel like I do?
Nice interesting thread, my take, right or wrong, is that classic rock will live on forever. No, not the overplayed crowd pleasing mediocre at best crap but the stuff that remained unplayed over the airwaves. During the "classic rock" era musicians pushed the envelope of possibilities, experimented and rocked the world. Hendix, CSN, ELP, Sabbath etc, etc opened a whole new world. A favored part of listening to classic rock is the discovery of great work by artists which were never played over the air. This is also one of the reasons I prefer LP over any other kind of medium. It forces me to listen to the entire side as I'm too lazy to get up and try to skip a track. I discovered many awesome tracks that way. Sure, there are also duds that I never could get into but overall the experience is positive. Deep tracks are in your collections regardless of medium. You just have to stop yourself from skipping works that may initially not appeal to you.
You can never get that kind of variety from any OTA, or paid service.
Enjoy the music, today's new will be tomorrow's classic.
no, i have definitely not worn out classic rock in my mind, ears, or heart.  

if you feel that you have, either 
1) take a break from it, and indulge your new interest(s), or
2) perhaps you had never been much a fan in the first place
"Enjoy the music, today’s new will be tomorrow’s classic." cited from gillatgh

However the problem of present music of today is in some today’s music recites the yesterday’s classic inorder to have the excuse of todays song..?
Just seeing  the thread title,  inspired a random  pull of 6 albums
to play during  dinner and decompression time before bed.

I'm in record snob, anti reissue mode too...
Period wax. Just no Brit presses to  make it real pretentious, since all but one group are British.

Played kinda loud- one side of each, except the Stones

Yes-Close to the Edge(needs a good cleaning, a little stitchy in I Get Up, I Get Down) 
Pink Floyd- Animals 
Traffic-John Barleycorn  Must Die
King Crimsom-In the Court of the Crimsom King
Rolling Stones-side 1&2 of Exile on Main Street.
Steely Dan-Pretzel Logic(black label)


Some of the cuts ARE played out. Also, the recordings may not be audio geek quality, but  If you have a clean copy, and your system is up to the task,the music takes over.

It will be enough for me when they finally play “Stairway To Heaven”