What Is Better In General, Sonos Or Say A Network Streamer By Cambridge Audio?

Hi all, I'm going to add a streamer to one of my systems so I can listen to some internet stations for variety. This will only constitute about 15% of my total listening time.  In other words vinyl and cd will continue to be my go to listening time. Whichever streamer will be mated with a Yamaha CR 420 vintage receiver and Boston Acoustics HD 5 bookshelf speakers. I can get a used Cambridge player, around $1200 new, for just a bit more than a new Sonos Connect, or a used Sonos for around $250.00.  Thanks for any and all opinions.  
If you are just looking for background music or for casual listening I would say the Sonos would be a good option but I have never heard the Cambridge unit. With the multitude of streamer options on the market right now I am sure you will get quite a few recommendations however the Sonos interface (in my opinion) is very hard to beat. I had a Node2 and although it did sound somewhat better through the analog outputs, when fed to my much more expensive dac the difference was negligible. 

You may also look at the Chromecast as it may suit you even better considering the cost of your system in relation to how much you plan on using it as well as the price of some of the other streamers out there. But of course as in all things YMMV.

Best of luck.

I would consider the Node 2i.   
The ChromeCast Audio is good, however no every app streams to it bit-perfect, so I can’t say the apps you would use would sound as good as the Node 2i or similar. However, for $40, it’s an amazing product, just a shame that the Implementation is not uniform, casting from your Chrome browsed on a computer for instance is not bit-perfect, yet casting from Room or an app like Android Hi-Fi Cast is.
Though I do agree that a tube buffered DAC has inherent colorations. Where I disagree is the degree of those colorations over another DAC.