Magicos are chesty

admit it.

They must be over dampened to keep the aluminum out of the music thereby giving them a chesty sound. 

Actually eric that is a "nice"  way to describe the sound 
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I'm finding there is a proliferation of people who just plain don't enjoy anything whose main aim is to bring everyone down to their level.   
Oh my my. Has there ever been a more divisive speaker. 

I had enjoyed a recent audition of A3.  For me they were probably 8-9 out of 10. I had played 7-8 different styles through them and liked everything except one album/ track (Back to Black). I found they had little bit of the laidback British Mid range, which I actually like. 

Now I am wondering if I should go back for an audition. Lol 
The speakers that I tend to be most critical of are the ones who have done so much advertising and created so much my ears they just don't make music sound wonderful and magical and wonderful. They do cover the frequencies for sure. The bass sounds dead and over dampened......but if you like the sound of them go with them and you don't need to defend your choice.....surely not to me....
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