@yeti42 - I deleted my post addressing your question because I didn’t realize that Kuzma had introduced a shorter version of the ’standard’ 4 point arm without a VTA adjustment as part of the arm itself.
For what it’s worth, on the Airline I have, which I’m told by Scot, the US importer, is the same as the 4 Point 14, the adjustment mechanism is very robust and locks firmly. I’ve never resorted to the adjustment on the tower. In looking at Franc’s site just now, I see he has announced a bearing change effective as of the beginning of the year for these arms, so I guess it pays to stay up to date, something I may have failed to do. (I guess that’s a good sign in some ways, given that I’m not looking for the latest and greatest, but apologize for my now deleted post, which was wrong).
PS: Alan Sircom, someone I am loathe to disagree with, thinks the simplicity of the 9" arm does contribute to its good sound, see http://www.kuzma.si/media/uploads/files/HIFI%2B155_Kuzma_LR.pdf
For what it’s worth, on the Airline I have, which I’m told by Scot, the US importer, is the same as the 4 Point 14, the adjustment mechanism is very robust and locks firmly. I’ve never resorted to the adjustment on the tower. In looking at Franc’s site just now, I see he has announced a bearing change effective as of the beginning of the year for these arms, so I guess it pays to stay up to date, something I may have failed to do. (I guess that’s a good sign in some ways, given that I’m not looking for the latest and greatest, but apologize for my now deleted post, which was wrong).
PS: Alan Sircom, someone I am loathe to disagree with, thinks the simplicity of the 9" arm does contribute to its good sound, see http://www.kuzma.si/media/uploads/files/HIFI%2B155_Kuzma_LR.pdf