Jimmy Page, It's time to call your lawyers?

I'm pretty late to this party--as usual.  A Chicago radio station is starry-eyed over Greta Van Fleet.  I gave them a listen today.  All I could think was...

Is this a Zeppelin parody band? 

There are so many features to their sound, playing, and sonics that sound just like LZ--so much so that I cannot get into the music passionately.  These are (IMHO):  Vocals (phrasing mimics Robert Plant without stopping);  Lyrics (the themes seem, based on limited listening, to track LZ);  Lead Guitar (I cannot think of another guitarist who sounds like he's trying to sound like Page as much as this one).  

Does Greta Van Fleet sound like a facsimile to you?  I'm not hung up on punishing artists who copy, as I think it's part and parcel of the art form.  But I'm having real trouble getting past the photocopy nature of this.  Again, this is just one person's opinion. So curious to hear what others think and feel about this group.  I'd like to give them more of a chance and maybe others can help.  For now, I can't keep listening.

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Read an article  on Robert Plant, and he mentions GVF, as a current band he likes.

I listened, and they didn't hold my attention. Perhaps if I were 16, and never heard Zeppelin or ANY "classic" hard rock , I would have a different reaction?

Definitely for 20 somethings. Must be exciting to those who dissent  listen their parents R&R. They're just doing all the R&R  moves from every band from the 70's. Just don't hear any original/fresh vibe with these guys.

A different thing from the 60/70's bands interpretation of what the Blues guys did in the 50/60's. To each his own. 

Imagine what new R&R will be like in another 20 years? Kinda sad.

Rock is dead?
Led Zep influences are everywhere. Jack White. Wolfmother. Red Hot Chili Peppers. Rush. Just to name a few others.

I think it is wonderful that a new generation of musicians pay homage to these great musicians. After all it is great blues music played with a funky style.

Anyone recognize these guys who cut their teeth playing LZ style


They went on to become another great rock band.

I'm torn on this one.  As a drummer and over the top lover of all things Zeppelin, I kinda hate that these kids are the most exposed Zep cover band on the planet.  I applaud that finally, there is a group of young musicians who actually play their instruments and sing their songs.  I lament that the supply of good original rock music ceased to be written somewhere in the 80's.  If GVF is what it takes to keep the flames burning, then good for us.  Let's hope that they find their own sound on the next record while leveraging the influences of the greatest rock band ever.
I checked in with my friends who love music. They are evenly split on their opinions—like versus skip them. 

I’m closer on the spectrum to these opinions. 



Isnt it true though that critics didn’t buy LZ or Billy Joel at first either?  I’m not saying these guys are LZ or BJ but it’s worth noting.