Surprised by Synergistic Red Fuse on Source for 99

I like many synergistic products so decided to try the $99 red fuse for my cd player the Playback Designs MPS-5.

While the playback has alway sounded good somehow with the red fuse the music sounded even more detailed and inviting. I tried it with jazz sacds as well as less well recorded rock music and the music had less digital edge and a much more expansive soundstage.

Not sure of course why the fuse should make a difference but believe its money back guarantee (and not that much money) so would encourage people to try it.

Anyone else concur or having heard it found it otherwise?
You findings are intriguing. I use the SR Quantum fuses successfully, these red versions could be even better.
For $90, you gotta give it a spin.

These are my favorite tweaks, inexpensive and excellent ROI. Another one is Cardas and AQ caps for all you unused RCA and XLR connectors. Cost me few hundred bucks to cover all the connectors.

You don't need to spend big $$ for a Tripoint Troy to get these improvements. LOL!!!
Hi Knghifi,
I hear you regarding the Red fuse and I'll get some soon. I must admit that the Tripoint Troy is not inexpensive even used. I'll also tell you that it's a brilliant addition to my system, I'm thrilled to own this superb product.
Lewinskih01 - My Amps only has internal fuses. Same as my Meitner MA1 DAC and the PS Audio DAC and transport.

I own the Merrill Audio Veritas monos.

The RED Fuses IMHO and limited experience with just the Amps are NOT subtle, for just a fuse. They were easier to hear the improvement then many other tweaks I have tried, many with no or barely any improvement.

Replace the internal fuse for the best gain.

Like I said, I hope to one day put them in my Meitner DAC, also only internal.

By the way, I have never had a fuse blow and do not no any of my Audiophile buddies who had one blow so if I was you I would not give it much thought. And that is what they are there for anyway. KNOCK ON WOOD!!
Charles1dad - The RED is So much better the the Quantum. 30 day money back, nothing to loose.

I must say I found the RED fuse more of an improvement then the Cardas Caps. Not that the Caps did not help.