best 2 channels power amp around $3k?

Hi all, I'm looking for a 2 channels amp (150-200W) strictly for music stereo listening. My preamp is the Lexicon MC-1. I've heard so many good stuffs about Krell, Classe, Theta, Bryston, Plinius, Mc Cormack, Conrad Jonhson, etc... Anyway, I'm so confused trying to pick one for around $3k. Can y'all help me please? Thanks
McCormack makes (made) the DNA-2, which is around that range. They just released new models, the 125 and 225 I believe. Otherwise, the DNA-1 ($2000 new but you may be able to find it used cheaper) rates at 150 watts into 8 ohms, 300 into 4 (test results are higher, at 175W into 8ohms). However, you might not want to limit your search to the power an amp provides. It has 4 outputs for biwiring. Very musical, non-fatiguing, smooth, great dynamics, imaging......and on and on. Listen to as many products as you can--with YOUR components--and let your ears decide. For 3K you have many choices, and several good ones.
Audiosalright is right on in recommending the McCormack amps and I agree with him 100%. I've owned-- long term the DNA-1, DNA.5, and DNA-2DX. The 2DX is the best but more than you want to spend. You wouldn't be sorry about any of the others though, and I can highly recommend the DNA-1 Dlx, which should be available for under $3k. I haven't heard the latest model McCormacks.
goldumd sri2 3600 retail. no grain low noise floor great bass. and it is integrated and is a solid state unit, i have a sri2 and have had many amps including tubes the goldmund is better than any amp i have could also pick up a sri previous unit, used 1600 also very good.