best 2 channels power amp around $3k?

Hi all, I'm looking for a 2 channels amp (150-200W) strictly for music stereo listening. My preamp is the Lexicon MC-1. I've heard so many good stuffs about Krell, Classe, Theta, Bryston, Plinius, Mc Cormack, Conrad Jonhson, etc... Anyway, I'm so confused trying to pick one for around $3k. Can y'all help me please? Thanks
goldumd sri2 3600 retail. no grain low noise floor great bass. and it is integrated and is a solid state unit, i have a sri2 and have had many amps including tubes the goldmund is better than any amp i have could also pick up a sri previous unit, used 1600 also very good.
Lot's of Good Amps at this price,but if you can spring for the Joule-Electra Vamp you have moved into sound it usally cost many thousands to get. This is an integrated and it is just fundlementally right. Don't be tempted to get the amp only version of this amp unless you already have a class A preamp, because the line stage of this unit is part of the glory.
The Mark Levinson 331 is 100W 8 ohms/ 200W 4 ohms and is one of the best $5000 amps around that can be gotten used for around 3K.It does not do anything wrong except some tube amps have a different sound that I like better in some cases.
Listen for yourself and then decide. IMHO you cannot touch the sound and build quality of Conrad Johnson. Buy a Premier 11a and discover true bliss!