Focal Scala Utopia vs Wilson Sasha?


Just wondering if anyone has directly compared the Focal Scala to the Wilson Sasha? I have recently auditioned the Focal Scala a couple of times and whilst at first I was not quite satisfied , upon a second and more thorough listening I must say, I am seduced. Problem is, I have also loved Wilson speakers but, living in Australia- no one is getting the Sashas for another 2-3 months. Any suggestions?? Do I go with the Scalas now, or wait to audition the Wilson Sashas? Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks.
"I do not see anything wrong(assuming they both know about each other) having good looking chick for fun, and good cooking wife for resting after the first :-)"

I don't see anything wrong with that either. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that's pretty much the dream for many of us. All I can say brother, is that if you can finesse a couple of ladies to go along with that knowingly, coaxing whatever sound that turns you on out of a stereo system should be a slight challenge.
I would wait to hear the sashas. My one time listen to them i found them to be on the bright side.
Listened to Scala yesterday. But only 50hrs use. Was not near the level we experienced previously. Sound lacked focus and background not very quiet.

For Scala owners, did you experience this during break in?

Setup was:

Accuphase sacd player
Accuphase pre amp
Accuphase mono blocs (150w)
Nordost interconnects and SC