IMO - Those decks are probably the closest thing to the convenience of a CD player.
Put in a record and close the cover. But owning a good TT rig requires TT hygiene. The record and stylus needs maintenance and cleaning. Its I think easier to forget about this especially to a younger person. The styli , from younger lazy people (like my son i.e.) , probably got so gunked up with dust and other debris that they deteriorated the sound worse and worse over time. The stylus hard to see if you can believe it.
With the focus on convenience they were made very compact with a tiny tonearm/plinth. Not good. But overall for its size still had heft..
I used to own an sl1200 that I used to loan out to people. I should have done a comparison shootout with the sl10 when I had the chance for curiosity. But have since sold the sl1200 ...and ...unlike my stocks 8^(((... the sl1200 has gone up in price... alot !
IMO - Those decks are probably the closest thing to the convenience of a CD player.
Put in a record and close the cover. But owning a good TT rig requires TT hygiene. The record and stylus needs maintenance and cleaning. Its I think easier to forget about this especially to a younger person. The styli , from younger lazy people (like my son i.e.) , probably got so gunked up with dust and other debris that they deteriorated the sound worse and worse over time. The stylus hard to see if you can believe it.
With the focus on convenience they were made very compact with a tiny tonearm/plinth. Not good. But overall for its size still had heft..
I used to own an sl1200 that I used to loan out to people. I should have done a comparison shootout with the sl10 when I had the chance for curiosity. But have since sold the sl1200 ...and ...unlike my stocks 8^(((... the sl1200 has gone up in price... alot !