VPI Classic 3 or SME 20/2

Hello all - I'm considering moving from my Classic 3 with 10.5 3D arm to the SME 20/2 with SME V arm and I wanted to see if anyone out there has made this move (or a similar move) and if so what are your impressions. I'm using a Benz LPS cartridge right now and use the Allnic AUT2000 step-up transformer into the MM phono stage of my VAC integrated (sigma 160i). Overall I am very happy with my vinyl sound right now - I'm only considering trying the SME because it is available for a good price within driving distance and it's such a ballyhooed tt that so many seem to consider a destination piece. (I also, like many of you I imagine, enjoy trying new gear.) But it will be a bit of hassle doing everything involved to make it happen and so if it is going to be largely a lateral move I'd prefer to avoid the effort. I'm aware that the SME V doesn't allow for azimuth and on-the-fly VTA adjustments. Have also read that the Benz LPS is a nice match for the SME V. Also painfully aware that there's no way to know without hearing with my own ears - I can (and will) audition the SME but I never have much success getting a feel for other gear in short auditions in unfamiliar rooms. So any impressions out there would be much appreciated. 
Did you try different VTA adjustments? If not you should raise the VTA and see if it improves the bass problem!
Dialing in VTA, and the settings overall, has certainly helped. I love this tt. Hard to say when and how the upgrade jones will strike next but at the moment this really seems like the last record spinner I'll ever need. 

I put up a post at the Hoffman site and I'll do it in a separate post here at the Gon but thought I'd tag this thread too: Can anyone lend me the height adjustment gauge for the 20/2. Mine did not come with it to accurately adjust the suspension. I've jerryrigged something to give me what I believe is the requisite 3mm but being an obsessive completist (anyone here know anything about that?) I would like to use this gauge, especially since it seems that SME thinks everything through and gives you exactly what you need to make the exact right adjustment as easy as possible.

That said, having just splurged for the tt, I'd like to avoid shelling out $65 (SME-Height Setting Gauge-Model 202-System Set Up Tools|Acoustic Sounds ) for something that seems like a one-and-done adjustment so was hoping someone wouldn't mind sending me one and then I'd send it back when I'm done (obviously I'll pay your postage). Thanks - Dave
I usually dial in the VTA with me eyes and ears.  Glad to hear your are enjoying your new table.

I usually dial in the VTA with me eyes and ears"

That is remarkable, notable, and amazing what do you think the rest of the audiophile world uses they're noses? Toes?