Current McIntosh mc275 Questions

I believe they are on version VI currently around $5700. 

1. How would the current version VI perform vs version V ( a little cheaper used market)?

2. How easy are the 275’s to bias?

3. What tubes do they come with from factory?

4.  General issues with 275’s that many owners have? 


I checked Audio Classics. They have the IV for $3995.00 and the V for $4495.00.  You could call them and ask about the difference in sound, the steered me out of a component that didn’t sound as good as one for less money. 
I should have been more clear. What BRAND of tubes or who makes them for McIntosh ( JJ, EH, etc)
JJ has been the current supplier of tubes for McIntosh for many years now.  I bought some new McIntosh branded 12ax7 tubes from Audio Classics and was told they are all made by JJ.