Hi i have now been tunning with my VYGER: Indian signature where there is a Visio carbon linear tonearm for many years now. It runs great and with almost no problems
. Aditional i also have a DaVincy : Grandesse Ref 12” radial tonearm which also is a very good tonearm.
For linear tracking you need a somehow stiff cartridge <10 to manage the horisontal forces that mainly comes from excentric rekords.
If you want to play loud and realistic i beleave the linear tracking has huge advantages, as the distorsion is remarkebel lower.
If the record already have had a life on a radial tonearm you can actually hear it. Maybee they will live longer if only played via a linear tonearm, if it is correct set up.
So should also the needle on your cartridge.
Enrico from VYGER has updates the air/vacum pump mk4, as well as the motor controller to a very very high level, so noise or heat ( watercoled) isent really a problem.
However the Thales tonearms does also solve the trackingerror problem and maybee in a more easy way but i have no expirience with these yet. ( is on the wish list )
regards Thastum
. Aditional i also have a DaVincy : Grandesse Ref 12” radial tonearm which also is a very good tonearm.
For linear tracking you need a somehow stiff cartridge <10 to manage the horisontal forces that mainly comes from excentric rekords.
If you want to play loud and realistic i beleave the linear tracking has huge advantages, as the distorsion is remarkebel lower.
If the record already have had a life on a radial tonearm you can actually hear it. Maybee they will live longer if only played via a linear tonearm, if it is correct set up.
So should also the needle on your cartridge.
Enrico from VYGER has updates the air/vacum pump mk4, as well as the motor controller to a very very high level, so noise or heat ( watercoled) isent really a problem.
However the Thales tonearms does also solve the trackingerror problem and maybee in a more easy way but i have no expirience with these yet. ( is on the wish list )
regards Thastum