What are "true" balanced connectors

Hello All,

I am considering buying an Odyssey Stratos amplifier. I noticed it is described as having XLR (bridged) inputs

My very limited knowledge of balanced circuits is telling me this is not a "true" balanced configuration...

Am I right on this?

Any help will be much appreciated

Thank you Erik!

YOU gave me exactly the specific answer I needed

Thank you Sleepwalker.

You gave me an answer to the broader question regarding what a balanced connection is. That your explanation may not correlate 100% with Erik's is irrelevant to me (beyond my pay grade!) ;-)

No Bob, you did not give me anything close to the "right answer" - Read my question(s) - then read your original reply -  then tell me if you still think you gave me the "right answer." I do not have conflicting answers. I now know EXACTLY what I needed to know about the Odyssey amp I was considering to buy...

I wish members would not use this very useful resource as a platform for "sales pitches"...
Sorry stereo5!

I also need to thank you for giving me a clear and direct answer to my original question!

 Each signal is actually referrenced to ground,

Not universally true.
I should have said referenced to -signal- ground. That is the balance point that both signals share in common. 


Balanced signals used to be transmitted by transformer outputs and inputs which were galvanically isolated.


Balanced means that the + and - amplitudes of the signal are referenced equally to ground.