JBL K2 5500 anyone?

It's really weird. They were supposed to be top of the JBL line (or second from the top) in 1993 yet there is absolutely NO info or reviews on them anywhere. What's the problem? Are they an absolute disaster erased from history? Anyone heard them? I'm in the market for a big floorstanders and the local guy sells them for a decent price.
These are favorites of the Japanese market. They love JBL. The most current version is the 6600, Everest. The Kimber room at RMAF 2009 had these monsters. You need to build a special room to house these. The most puzzling part of these large speakers is that the Japanese market eats them up but room size in Japan is very small, you figure.
The reason is that the bass only goes to about 33hz. therefore not overpowering the smaller rooms. At RMAF, the 9900 K2's in the trailer sounded MUCH better than the Everests in the main building. In fact, I almost bought the 9900's, which have yet to make it to the JBL website, for some reason.

I've noticed on Agon that some people are pretty "proud" of their 20 yr-old JBLs trying to get 3 and 4 times what they originally cost- they have remained unsold for quite a while now. Guess they really don't want to sell them....
Well, the 35 Hz response of 5500's is what's puzzling me. Since I have a rather big room and want my speakers to have a really big and low bass. Currently I'm having JBL L150s and while they are far from the greatest speaker JBL ever made I simply love the power of their bass and the stunning realism which they give to the drums sound. That's what makes you addictive to JBL sound and frankly I don't want JBL speakers which doesn't have that kick-ass bass.
I'm in the market for a big floorstanders and the local guy sells them for a decent price.

Anton,Why don't you go and hear them for yourself?

Buc,I read an article about this a few weeks ago.They use flea powered SET amps and place the listening seat between the speakers that are orientated directly at each other,kinda like giant headphones I guess.I can't see how you can get much enjoyment out of that configuration,but,to each his own.
Antonkk- The story I got from the Harmon Kardon people at RMAF was that if they made the bass go lower, it would lower the speaker "efficiency" and sound disjointed from the rest of the horns. Not sure that I buy it, but that was their story and I'm pretty sure they're sticking to it...

It would seem that with all their research in their facility in Cali, someone would be able to figure it out, just as other manufacturers have. Since they do so much business in Japan, maybe their business model is set the way things are. If would seems like if they want to penetrate the US floorstanding speaker market, hopefully they realize the bass needs to go lower. It seems ridiculous to need a sub with full-range JBLs - I told them that at RMAF and got a shoulder shrug. The lack of bass extension is what kept me from a purchase right then and there.