Mytek Brooklyn overkill?

I want a Dac for my Roon nucleus and CD player. No need for phono or preamp sections. Is the Brooklyn over featured for my needs.? Thx in advance for any and all opinions....
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Save some money and check out the RME ADI2 DAC. Excellent pro audio DAC built in Germany.
If you like Mytek but don't need the additional features of the Brooklyn, check out their Liberty DAC.  It's also much less expensive to boot.
If you EVER think you may want to stream Tidal and MQA in the near future go for the Brooklyn.
I have been using one happily for over 6 months and the SQ is very natural and open.
Plus it does have the capability to act as a full preamp so you do have plenty of options down the road.
Oh the headphone performance is just about worth the price of entry on its own!
Good luck.