Unforgiving DAC or add Tube Preamp??

I have added a (Benchmark HGC 2 DAC) to run digital music to my Modwright KWA 150 SE.  At first I was impressed with the detail but much of my music sounds more harsh than what my ears are used to.  Apparently Benchmark DACS  are known to be unforgiving.  Should I look towards a different DAC or would adding a Tube Preamp be the best solution? Or change both? Recommendations welcomed!

Speakers : Dali Euphonia MS4
(#2) Rel 528 in stereo
First, make sure you have played music for at least 72 hours through it.

It may not help, but at least give it the benefit of the doubt.

If you still don't like it, I highly recommend the Mytek Brooklyn which is never harsh, but doesn't fully open up until then.
The Ayre Codex running XLR will easily outperform the Benchmark
 with far better micro detail, precision, and overall musicality.
  we ran it up against far more costly dacs and this unit is a benchmark.
 Best JohnnyR
Actually there are many dac's that should outpeform the Benchmark, we had one traded in years ago and the  sound was okay, many commercial dac's are focused on neutrality so they can sounnd bland.

The other issue are you turning your dac off, digital should be left on 24/7 

Are there different filter settings?

How are you feeding the dac, good usb cable or cheapie, running a laptop or desktop or a dedicated server?

Are you using Roon or Jriver which can allow you to upsample or turn PCM into DSD which sounds smoother.

What cabling are you using? 

Did the sound go from good to worse did you change anything or is this just a realization that you don't like the sound.

We are digital experts we sell most of the best dacs on the market, from Mytek, Naim, Nad, Aqua, Nuprime, T+A,  and a few others. 

We would agree that the Benchmark should go, we will be getting a sample of the new Ifi DSD pro a $2500 dac that is getting rave reviews for its soundstaging and musicality. 

Herb Richart in Stereophile compared the Ifi DSD pro to dacs from $2k to $7k and felt the Ifi was amazingly good, and the Ifi uses minature tubes.

We will be comparing the Ifi DSD to the wonderful Mytek Brooklyn. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
A preamp tube will never remove the harshness even if you feel that at the beginning.
Get Chord Qutest if you want absolute SQ but it does not have volume controls and you need to control the volume from the PC. Or ifi DSD pro for it multi features.