Why so many used focals?

I look on the forums to read and learn about owners reactions about focals and compared to many brands there's little action which would make me think it's a small company... til I search on AG for used focal speakers and pages of used speakers come up! Are they the type of speakers that offer a clear upgrade path OR are they short term speakers that wow the listener early and fatigue in the long term?

I couldn't be in the same room with focal's from the 90's, but the recent speakers have been very pleasing to the ear in auditions. Experienced reply's would be appreciated and please no hating on the brand. Tks
Another reason is this,Focal from the manufacturer level instituted a massive price drop on the Electra series 1028 and 1038 ,1038 dropped from 12,500 to 6995 for the pair at a lot major online players ,music direct ,world wide stereo,etc .other lines as well the 900 series at close to 50 % off !I’m hoping the same might happen to the sopra 2-3’s which would put my 1038’s in the for sale category.
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The thread started when I started to research focal speakers from owners by checking forums and in comparison to other big players there wasn’t much activity . for example Dynaudio has 10,000 posts on a forum that focal has 1,000 then looking on the used market for price comparisons there’s as many or more focal speakers for sale....soo if, and this is really not science, but if there’s 10 to 1 active on the forums is it wrong to expect a comparative amount of trade volume? I’m sure there’s many reasons that have nothing to do with quality. Many people go online only when somethings wrong and that interpretation would suggest focal customers are more satisfied and upgrade within the same brand or are dealer promo's. there’s any number of ways to interpret the observation that have nothing to do with bashing the speakers I was seriously considering to be my LAST speaker purchase. Since finding these Usher BE20-DMD dancers i'm tapping the brakes on changing anything.

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kosst, you bring up some great points in your post but what you describe regarding the speakers’ impedance variations (as a function of frequency) is nothing unique to Focals. With a very few exceptions, majority of the cone driven speakers have similar behavior and many sound pretty good when paired with McIntosh Autoformers. It mostly comes down to the listener preference. In general, I think more efficient/sensitive speakers with higher and more stable impedance tend to be less picky about the pairing amplifier in most systems/rooms.