Rega P25 cartridge upgrade

Hi all, 

I would appreciate your advice and opinions regarding a cartridge upgrade for my Rega P25.

My current system:
- Rega P25 with Grado Prestige Gold.
- Marantz PM6004 
- Neat Iota speakers (

I listen to a broad range of music from electronic to jazz to rock.

The Grado Gold came with the Rega when I bought it used a few years back and unfortunately the stylus appears to have been bent during a recent house move (dont ask...). I thought it would therefore be a good time to upgrade the cartridge. 

I'm using the phono stage on the Marantz amp which is listed as only compatible with MM. Music is important to me and I'm keen for a great sound but dont think I've got time to get lost in exploring MCs and phono stages etc currently so feel like a good quality MM would be sufficient. Looking to spend £200-300 max.

A few potential options I've discovered:

- Ortofon 2M Black
- Goldring 1042.

Any thoughts or experience would be appreciated. 


I have a fully modded/upgraded/updated Rega P25 that has every aftermarket mod/upgrade that I know of. It’s a fantastic table and I use it quite a bit, (I have several to choose from).

I have tried numerous carts on this rig:

Audio Technica AT-150MLX
Grace F9E & F9E Ruby
Dynavector 10X5
Ortofon 2M Bronze & 2M Black
Denon DL-110 & DL160
Grado Reference Sonata

plus a few more.

The one that I liked the best and is still on the arm is the Audio Technica AT-150MLX. What a GREAT combo with the table and arm. Most of the carts listed above were terrific, but overall, I had to pick the AT, just a personal preference of course...


I have a Grace F8C, new old stock one that I got from a Grace collector. Either never played them or he only demo-ed them. He was weird guy that just liked to look at the cartridges but I liked the guy for that. I think it would be better than the 2M Black, if you are interested.

Especially if you will buy the original Grace RS8 Ruby stylus from me :)

Another great cartridge would be Pickering XSV-3000 Stereohedron, honestly i think this is the best contender without breaking the bank @thomlocke