Why Power Cables Affect Sound

I just bought a new CD player and was underwhelmed with it compared to my cheaper, lower quality CD player. That’s when it hit me that my cheaper CD player is using an upgraded power cable. When I put an upgraded power cable on my new CD player, the sound was instantly transformed: the treble was tamed, the music was more dynamic and lifelike, and overall more musical. 

This got me thinking as to how in the world a power cable can affect sound. I want to hear all of your ideas. Here’s one of my ideas:

I have heard from many sources that a good power cable is made of multiple gauge conductors from large gauge to small gauge. The electrons in a power cable are like a train with each electron acting as a train car. When a treble note is played, for example, the small gauge wires can react quickly because that “train” has much less mass than a large gauge conductor. If you only had one large gauge conductor, you would need to accelerate a very large train for a small, quick treble note, and this leads to poor dynamics. A similar analogy might be water in a pipe. A small pipe can react much quicker to higher frequencies than a large pipe due to the decreased mass/momentum of the water in the pipe. 

That’s one of my ideas. Now I want to hear your thoughts and have a general discussion of why power cables matter. 

If you don’t think power cables matter at all, please refrain from derailing the conversation with antagonism. There a time and place for that but not in this thread please. 
So here is some anecdotal on "deniers" - those who claim they hear no difference:

A bunch of them were gathered in a blind test, where some speaker cables were to be tested - generic zip cord vs. a high end speaker cable - or so they were told.

Then, the tester used the same exact cable, but, on test "b" (cable "b" to the subjects), the polarity was swapped (speakers connected out of phase).

100% of the subjects reported they heard no difference. Blind. The matter of fact, the out-of-phase "cable" sounded noticeably worse than the correct connection cable.

Go figure!
Thank you @jea48 for that post. I really enjoyed John Curl's point that, in effect, we don't listen to test tones, we listen to music.

All the best,
Got a link to that. 
Stereophile recorded one sighted listening test at an audio show comparing speaker cables, and the group that preceded expensove cables actually chose the generic cables. The test itself was highly flawed though: sighted, not individual (most not in the sweet spot), not the same gauge wires, etc.
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