Suggestions 4 surround processor w/newest formats.

Hi all,
I'm looking at finally upgrading my ol' reliable surround processor (Legacy-Audio NexStep) to something with all the new HD-Audio formats. Any suggestions as to which way to go?
Have been internet searching Krell, Lexicon, Parasound, Halcro etc.
Some of my associated equipment...
Amplification: Legacy-Audio monoblocs.
Speakers: Infinity Prelude MTS.
Digital: Marantz BD-8002.
Any other info about my system that would help with suggestions please let me know.

Thanks all @ A-gon,

any of the Anthems, it depends on how much you want to spend.

the D2 is pretty incredible
09-26-09: Joysjane
Hey Buconer,
That Integra looks like a receiver. I have Monobloc amps. Can I use it as a processor only? Already have all the amplification I need,and then some.

(They both look like receivers, but are processors. No extra amplifiers.)

Integra link >>>[]
Anthem link >>> []
Joysjane. If you can wait for the new Onkyo PR-SC5507 processor in early 2010. Lots of excellent features. Check it out online.....

Regards Bacardi
Or you can get the equivalent Integra 80.1 which, I understand, is now shipping.

I would look at the Meridian line. I have been very happy my G68 and with the new HD621 HDMI interface it is practically future proof.