Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?


Measurements are far more accurate and far more reliable than our ears. Stating your ears are better and thus that’s why you hear a difference is such a typical response.

I’d like one explanation for why 192kHz is better than 44.1kHz, let’s say using a Chord Qutest as it’s filter is pretty much the best I’ve seen (well, let’s say the Chord Dave to get ahead of comments saying the Qutest is too cheap to be transparent).

Sampling rate only deals with how high of a frequency you want to capture, there is 0% difference within frequencies captured from a lower sampling rate, this is all proven by Nyquist, it’s a 100% capture, or else digital music wouldn’t Moro in the first place, as every sample relates to one specific waveform.

I’m willing to bet you can’t hear above 18kHz (if you are over 50, probably 12kHz), so stating that the inclusion of frequencies at 80kHz makes a difference is just nonsensical (unless you have an explanation).

I’ve asked why you think/know it makes a difference and all I got was “my ears are better”. You don’t even need measurement gear, all you need is a program that loads the two digital files and shows you the difference between them.
You don’t even need measurement gear, all you need is a program that loads the two digital files and shows you the difference between them.
If you truly think listening doesn't matter, then you're the single best example of confirmation bias that this group has ever seen, imo. And we can all go home now. There's no need to listen to anything at all, except for whatever mzkmxcv proclaims.
' Also, the people I’ve heard from who are in the industry, all agree that digitized vinyl sounds identical. You finding this different either means you listened to garbage conversions or your brain is telling you what you want to hear, which since you hear a benefit from going to 192kHz leads me to think it’s the latter. Open to discussion, so please find the error in my logic.'

So you are saying that I'm imagining an improvement?
To put it blunty, yes. Everything I found shoes that if people don’t know, they don’t even get up to 70% accuracy (picking CD or better over 320Kbps MP3), it’s usually 40%-60%.  
320Kbps was chosen for a reason, as that’s what they found was good enough.

So now you are saying even if the bits are the same it sounds different?

I have listened, didn’t hear a difference. Whose correct, me or you? Why? Because your ears are better or your system is better?