Suggestions 4 surround processor w/newest formats.

Hi all,
I'm looking at finally upgrading my ol' reliable surround processor (Legacy-Audio NexStep) to something with all the new HD-Audio formats. Any suggestions as to which way to go?
Have been internet searching Krell, Lexicon, Parasound, Halcro etc.
Some of my associated equipment...
Amplification: Legacy-Audio monoblocs.
Speakers: Infinity Prelude MTS.
Digital: Marantz BD-8002.
Any other info about my system that would help with suggestions please let me know.

Thanks all @ A-gon,

Or you can get the equivalent Integra 80.1 which, I understand, is now shipping.

I would look at the Meridian line. I have been very happy my G68 and with the new HD621 HDMI interface it is practically future proof.

Still haven't decided fellas.

Have been reading up and it sounds like the Marantz does al the new format decoding itself. Might just end up letting it do it's job and bypass the whole processor gig.
What say you's?
11-15-09: Joysjane

Still haven't decided fellas.

Have been reading up and it sounds like the Marantz does al the new format decoding itself. Might just end up letting it do it's job and bypass the whole processor gig.
What say you's?
Depends. How's the bass/level/distance control in the player? How's your room acoustics?
